03 July 2012

Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days of Summer

Time these days feels long.  The day feels long, rounds of sitting feel long, the weeks feel long.  It's that time of year when I have the least on my calendar, the fewest commitments, and the shortest to-do list.  It feels as how I imagine it would feel when the plane heads straight up and then stalls at 0g for a little bit before firing the engines and heading back down. 

The garden is done, and all I have to do is set the sprinkler and deadhead a few things now and then.  A friend invited me to come along tomorrow to hang out with him and his family for 4th of July festivities (parade in town, barbecue at his in-laws, etc.).  In a little over a week I head to Rochester for a 7-day sesshin with nothing so much to do as face the wall.  I'll come back to a couple of weeks of being somewhat laid up with cataract surgeries punctuated with a 2-day sesshin.  When I'm not driving or sitting or doped up under the knife, I'll get a little reading done.  I couldn't imagine a more open, relaxed calendar for the next 4-5 weeks.

I cherish these days.  They help me recalibrate my dials, as it were.  I have the mental and temporal space to do some clearing out, to gain some perspective, not in an active way but in a settling out way.   A real vacation, as it were.  

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