11 January 2011

Let Us Hold Our Tongues

Let us hold our tongues and not speak of psychopaths.

Let us hold our tongues and not bring up gun laws.

Let us hold our tongues and not comment on the state of American civility.

Let us hold our tongues and not mention the name of a political party.

Let us hold our tongues and not utter 2012.

Let us hold our tongues and not assess blame.

Let us hold our tongues and not catastrophize.

Let us hold our tongues and not heighten security.

Let us hold our tongues and not speak of the government, its agents or the elected officials.

Let us hold our tongues and not by using them make ourselves look good, open minded, conscientious, engaged, informed and effective.

And in that silence, may we find the heart to realize our deep connection to victims and perpetrators, onlookers and profiteers, those who will cower in fear and those who will rise in anger.  May we do our jobs today with diligence and right effort.  May we be loving in our families.  May we wash our dishes, clean our homes and shovel our snow with humble appreciation for the sheer ability to do so.  May we greet our neighbor with a smile, hold open the door for the person following us, and give way to merging traffic.  May we continue to walk the path we know most right.

May we all be at ease, at least as best we can.

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